The original mission of the Spectre was to search the galaxy for an element I made up called Parkidium. Parkidium, in my imaginary world, is a metal that emitted energy. As was my goal, this gave the Spectre something to do; a job, if you will. The idea was to spawn misadventure off of this task. The search for Parkidium would take them to every corner of the Universe and most likely, they would run into trouble at every turn. Each of these conflicts would introduce an antagonist I needed to make an interesting story.

As the story became more developed, I went a little deeper. The Tibari Homeworld was decimated in the past by unknown beings that unleashed an army of robotic drones…you know, the cliche of every science fiction invasion story. Now the purpose of the Parkidium was to help rebuild and protect Zantibar. So here are the Spectre, have just received their mission briefing, about to depart on their first mission to the planet Quorek…
