Reesa arriving on Mineta is supposed to be a big reunion. I never really worked out the back story of Spark and Reesa’s prior relationship. I always just had the idea in my head that they were old friends back at the Academy on Zantibar. (Not Starfleet Academy, but similar) and Spark was a few years ahead of her. Spark earned his leadership role as a Spectre Captain and recruited Reesa for his team when she graduated. It was never really that important to the story, other than to say that they knew each other prior to assembling this team.

Riddle me this…why do science fiction stories always have academies? There’s always some institution of learning where people or aliens go to learn how to be part of a space traveling faction. Here on Earth, I don’t know anyone who attends an academy…Perhaps in a future story, I will revisit their days at the academy and I will have to figure out what they actually do there.
